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Wellness Boosters This Week

Therapeutic support for mild respiratory symptoms

March 21, 2022

Well it's finally in our household...

On Saturday 15yo was feeling a bit off but frankly we were all surprised when we ended up in isolation. My first thought was to aim to be vigilant rather than fearful.

In line with current health advice we are managing mild symptoms at home. We're taking it upon ourselves to support our bodies, and sharing our story along the way.

Our story

At first we were enjoying the time off with the kids, getting bits done around the home, and freaking out about the work we'd lost....

(Although in hindsight perhaps mould removal wasn't the smartest idea in the first few days least it's gone now).

A week later and almost all of the house except 17yo and 4yo seem to have come down with symptoms at some point. A couple of the kids are working through a light cough and us adults with head and body aches. It's been 9 days and counting until we're well enough to be back out in the world.

Thankfully the teenagers were super helpful while the adults needed rest (also thanks to screen time, the wiggles and zero housework).

It's nice to be on the mend and looking forward to getting slowly back on top of the house stuff... And answering messages... And writing again... And seeing friends and family again...

I am determined to continue with using these essential oils on us until we're back to normal. (I always think of "Mad-Eye" Moody "Constant Vigilance!")

Therapeutic support for our symptoms

I haven't noted all the benefits of all the oils or I'll run out of time. Instead I'll highlight the therapeutic qualities of some of the essential oils that are known and approves for use with these mild symptoms.



Reduce mild upper respiratory tract symptoms + mild rheumatic aches and pains (topically). Relieve cough and common cold symptoms (aromatically).

Cypress (Northern Escape ™):

Reduce mild rheumatic aches and pains (topically). Relieve cough (aromatically).

Cardamom (Clearify™/Zengest™):

Aid digestion.


Fennel (Zengest™/Digestzen™):

Aid digestion and appetite.

Peppermint (Digestzen™):

Support mental function + reduce symptoms of mild headache + relieve cough.

Topical applications

Applied intuitively it's been every few hours or 4 times a day on average - some times all three or just one in response to symptoms or just for pre-emptive protection.

Mace Protection Blend - base level protection aiding digestion. Usually rolled on the nape of the neck or high on the spine under our shirt.


Barking Seal roll-on blend or Easy Air ™ Vapour Stick - applied on chest/ neck/ throat for mild upper respiratory symptom relief.


Bath with Northern Escape and Eucalyptus stirred through some magnesium salt - for mild aches and pains.

In my diffuser this week

I set the diffusers twice a day, on a 10 hour intermittent cycle for round the clock support. This time I had one in the loungeroom plus one in whichever bedroom seems most appropriate.

I basically had a bunch of essential oils handy and I would choose a blend depending on the majority need at the time.

Base - Northern Escape™ or Douglas Fir

Middle - Digestzen™ or Zengest™ and/or Clearify™

Top - Melissa and/or Eucalyptus and/or Peppermint

Melissa Essential Oil -

Calming soothing scent to promote feelings of emotional balance in tense times.

Other care

Rest - within reason... There are 5 kids here.


Bone Nutrient essential complex - Vitamins and minerals.

On Guard™ and/or Easy Air™ throat drops -includes Eucalyptus.

Day 14 update

It feels like a never-ending cycle!  


In spite of my promise to myself, after 10 days of almost round-the-clock support I eased back on the essential oils as we all seemed on the mend... But with slow progress and more ickyness I'm back on the bandwagon and determined.  


We celebrated our 6yo becoming 7 while isolating - the sweetheart claimed "this is the best birthday ever" even though I felt we didn't manage much it was still super special to him! What else to kids need but their favourite foods, some Lego and control of the t.v.?!  


The 17yo got congested on day 13 so sure enough it's his turn...

I really hope that's it now and we can continue the path to feeling completely well again. (Touching wood!)